This personalised package includes:

  • First in-depth, 60-90 minute consultation, onsite, via WhatsApp call or Zoom
  • 20 minute one on one follow up coaching session each week for 12 weeks
  • Personalised meals plans taking lifestyle, food preferences and intolerances into account. Meal plans are updated regularly and include a printable, colourful plan for your fridge, micro and macronutrient breakdown, convenient shopping lists and recipes.
  • Daily support and accountability via WhatsApp or email celebrating victories, discussing challenges and updating goals to keep you accountable, motivated and inspired.
  • Ongoing education through articles, workshops, emails, social media and email.



Investment in your health

Option 1: 3 payments: R2200 in the first month, R1000 each for months 2 and 3.

Option 2: A once off payment.

Limited Launch Offer you don’t pay R4200, you will pay only R2 520, a massive saving of 40%.


You will ALSO receive R500 worth of BONUSES which include:

A guide to staying active

A personalised recipe e-book

Mindful Eating e-course

Return on Your Investment

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